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Lighting Design is the application of “light” to all spaces. Where the light is placed, at what relative intensity, and in what direction, can play a major role on vision, visual comfort and perception. Lighting can therefore impact satisfaction, visibility, task performance, safety, mood and atmosphere


The use of devices and/or systems to govern the light output levels of luminaires to which they are connected. ET deploys different strategies in order to cover all application types, price ranges and energy saving requirements.


In our continued bid to reduce: electricity consumption, operating costs, customer’s carbon footprint and prevent interruptions of power supply, we have adopted a brand-agnostic approach to providing a complete turnkey solar solution for our customers.


elementaryIoT utilises standard internet of things (IoT) protocols to provide a single platform to gather and visualise data. This has proven to be invaluable in reducing a business’s operating costs, boosting efficiencies, and adding to business intelligence.


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